Persian Goddess:

Anahita is the goddess of the strong undefined waters. Anahita is the source of all waters on earth.She is the scource f all fertility and the purification seeds in all males, sanctifying the womb of all females and purifying the milk in the mother breast. Anahita is percieved as strong and bright, tall and beautiful, pure and nobley born. She wears a golden crown with eight rays and one hundred stars, a golden mantle and a golden necklacearound her neck. She became a popular deity in many land and is described as 'the glory of life of Armenia, the giver of life, the mother of all wisdom,the benefactress of the entire human race, and the daughter of the great and mighty Armarazda. In peria she wa and still is an object of deep veneration, the source of life , and the object of deeply felt gratitude.
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