Goddess: Aphrodite
Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty and fetility. She was born in sea foam and is the daughter of Zues and Dione.When the Trojen prince Paris was asked to judge which of the three olympian Goddesses out of Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena was most beatiful, he chose Aphrodite.
Latter wanted to bribe him with the power of victory but Aphrodite offered her love. Hera and Athena then became enemies of troy but Aphrodite remained loyal to Paris and the Trojans. Aphrodite save Paris when he about to be killed by Menelaus. Aphrodite tells helen that she needs to leave menelaus and says if she doesn't then she will hate her as mush as she loves her now. even though Hera and Aphrodite were on opposite side of the war, Aphrodite let Hera borrow her girdle in order to distract Zues from the Fray.